The Ten Secrets About Windows Vs Linux Only A Handful Of People Know.

Ramesh Choudhary
9 min readDec 9, 2020


First Let’s Know what Windows Folks Say

Here are ten reasons why you should not use Linux. Long-term Windows.

1. Lack of Software
What do you want in the operating system? For many people, the answer is probably easier to use and consistent. I will be looking at ease of use soon. In the meantime, let’s focus on consistency.

Make a list of the applications you use every day. Done? That’s fine. Now compare them to this list of software that is not traditionally not available in Linux programs:

Adobe Photoshop
Microsoft Office
Final Cut Pro
I can go on, but I can’t. I’m sure you get the point. Linux users do not have access to some of the most widely used applications in the world. Yes, in some cases you will be able to get workarounds or use wine-like software, but it remains buggy and unreliable. If someone tells you otherwise, they are lying.

If you appreciate Windows “everything works” side, don’t change.

2. Software Updates
Even in cases where Linux software is available, it is often lagging behind its Windows counterpart.

Why? Consider: Windows XP, 7, 8, and 10 account for 85 percent of the world’s desktop computers today. And Linux? A little over one percent.

desktop share of desktop operating system
Photo Credit: Wikipedia
As such, companies are primarily investing their resources in restoring Windows (and Mac) releases first. Of course, the largest companies can offer R&D funding for Linux at the same rate as Windows, but medium-sized companies (or individual engineers) cannot continue.

3. Distribution
If you are in the market for a new Windows machine, you have one option: Windows 10. Sure, there are a few variations, such as Pro, S, and Enterprise, but they are all the same product.

But if you are a first-time user looking for a new Linux machine? Time to go back to school. There are over 250 Linux distros to choose from.

You will need to study the correct number before you can make an informed choice. Making things difficult, some of them day and night in terms of features, user interface, and ease of use.

I do not disagree with each choice, but the fact is that the division of Linux is very confusing, and therefore inaccessible, to a lot of people.

4. Distractions
Yes, I know, Windows is not perfect yet. The app has bugs in it, and with Microsoft turning Windows 10 into something like perma-beta release, the issues are worse than ever.

But look at it this way: Windows 10 now works on half a billion devices. Most quiet ones have no problems.

Why not? Because Microsoft has an amazing budget and uses hundreds of people for their sole responsibility to evaluate and refine the operating system. Linux does not. Even the most widely used distros are driven by what is actually a group of lovers working on a sharp budget.

For people with technical skills, bedbugs may not be a problem; they have enough knowledge to examine themselves and fix problems themselves. For regular users, the Linux problem solving can be disastrous.

If you have made 85 percent of the world start using a Linux-based desktop computer tomorrow, I guarantee you will see endless posts complaining about things that don’t work better than for Windows.

5. Support
If something goes wrong with your Windows machine, you have a few options open to you. Microsoft itself offers live chat and phone support, while all PC repair workers around the world are familiar with the operating system and how it works.

If you use Linux, you are limited to a few professional companies and dedicated online forums. And in case you do not know, forums are not easy places to get help if you are a “noob”.

6. Drivers
Windows usually finds new drivers first, followed closely by macOS. Programs designed for Linux are lucky if they get any drivers. The upshot community of Linux develops open source drivers that send via Linux distros.

I don’t beat people who work for such drivers; they do a very good job. But the fact is that they are often imperfect or defective. And because they do not have the legal support of a parent company, they will not receive any help if they are not able to make something work.

And, for Linux fans, it’s not a problem — it’s all part of the fun. But for ordinary home users who want an active PC, it is an unbearable situation.

7. Sports
This is probably the most controversial issue of anti-Linux, and for good reason. Many games have never come to Linux for the same reason so many software has never escaped the clutter: it is not worth the time for developers.

steam Linux
The situation is getting better. Steam has been working hard to transfer games to Linux, but it is still far behind Windows.

A hardcore player can get life on Linux unbearable.

8. Boundaries
This is closely related to the problems surrounding the games. Although you can get your favourite games to work, there’s a good chance you won’t be able to control on-screen action using your existing add-ons. In the best-case scenario, the Linux developer will have support designed to get back to them.

The boundary problem also extends beyond play. Even something as important as your Wi-Fi card can give you problems when you start installing a distro. Do you really want to spend hours playing with orders, reports, and resources, just to get online? And, for many people, the answer is no.

9. Hard
Linux is complicated. Don’t say it isn’t. Icon! And I’m not just talking about desktop settings or where you can get a variety of settings — a new user can get up and speed up on those things in a few days.

I’m talking about using the app every day. If you’ve been using Linux for 20 years, then make sure it looks easy. For someone from the plug-and-play world of Windows, or something as simple as installing a pro

What Linux Folks are Saying :

Before you decide to leave Windows for Linux, consider some of the benefits of Linux and the things that Linux can do for Windows.

1.Open Source
One of the great benefits that Linux offers is the operating system open source (OS).

This means that its source code is available to anyone who needs or wants to view, edit or modify it. This feature is especially useful for coders and developers who have the ability and the ability to modify or enhance code.

An open and highly secure source because everyone watches and monitors the work of others. It is a global project that everyone can access. While, Windows is a closed system that contains layers and layers of locked source code.

2.Total cost
The obvious advantage for users is that Linux is free, and Windows is not. Even Linux OS related applications cost $ 0.

Window license fees vary depending on server or desktop. Also, the price can be very low when purchased with a business.

When a business has more employees, costs increase. Companies also need to pay for applications running on Windows such as Exchange and MS Office. There is no difference with Linux. It’s free. Linux users can download the source code and change it without spending money.

Some Linux distributions may charge support. However, the cost is less than buying a Windows license.

3.Minimum Refresh Time
Linux users have complete control over software updates. They can install them whenever they need or want. Not only do updates take less time than Windows, but there is also no need to restart your computer.

Rebooting your computer every time you update can be disruptive. People using Windows should restart every time they install an update. They are also reminded of the annoying pop up that their program will restart in 10 minutes. Linux removes that distraction.

Linux takes very little time to restart or download after shutting down any version of Windows.

Stability and Reliability
As mentioned above, Windows requires users to restart their computer after installing updates.

Computers running on Linux can continue to run without restart and without problems for years.

It is rare for a Linux system to slow down or slow down. While you have Windows, if you use too many programs or have too many browsers open at once, it is more likely that your computer will shut down.

If it gets tough, if you don’t save what you used to work for, you will lose it. The only way you can freeze a Windows operating system is to manually set up a problem that works.

4.Better Safety
Windows is vulnerable to many types of viruses, malware and trojans. Users installing Windows know that they too need to purchase and download anti-virus programs to protect their computers.

Although no app has been released for hacks, Linux makes it very difficult due to its design. Any program or application in the Linux environment requires administrative authorization in the form of a password.

Viruses will not be allowed to uninstall unless the password is properly typed.

Hardware compatibility with hardware
While it is true that Windows is compatible with other hardware, Linux is different. What if you find an old laptop that might use XP?

You can’t install an updated version of Windows on that laptop and expect it to run. It will not. However, you can update it by installing Linux, and it will work fine.

Instead of throwing away old computers, why not use Linux’s ability to upgrade it? A few simple distributions can bring back even a 15-year-old piece of hardware to an operating system. You can find more videos on how to install Linux on YouTube.

One of the reasons Windows is frozen is because it uses so many resources. Linux systems are known to make better use of hardware and use fewer resources such as disk space and RAM.

5.The Power of Customization
Linux lets you customize any feature you want such as:

Add or remove features
Change the way your program looks
Enter themes
Select the icons of your choice
Change your file manager
Customize your desktop environment
While you can customize some features on Windows, your options are limited. Almost every aspect of the Linux system has options to customize.

See the samples below for a variety of ways to customize your desktop environment.

6.Better Support
One of the many benefits of open source programs is the availability of solutions to your problems or problems in the user community.

If you are looking for the answer to a question on your Linux system, search online cordially about your specific problem. If you do not find it, start a new thread in the Linux forum. You will get a detailed answer for free.

The latest version of Microsoft Windows 10 has received a lot of criticism about how it collects data. All privacy settings are enabled by default.

If you are worried about your privacy, Linux is the best solution for you. Linux distribution does not collect as much data as it does. Linux does not load data or generate logs from your computer as does Windows.

And most importantly, you do not need additional tools to protect your privacy. Now that you know what Linux can do for Windows, you can make an informed choice when choosing an operating system.

